Thursday, March 09, 2006

warm up for betty season '06!

it's never too early to start getting in shape for the 2006 betty season! jane and ginny have come up with two great ways to help us do it.

spinning at towpath bike. thanks to ginny, this has been happening every thursday pretty much all winter long. this reporter has yet to attend, but she's heard that ginny kicks ASS. scott at towpath has been nice enough to set aside an area of the shop with trainers and motivational videos (hmmmm, what could those be i wonder?). spinning starts at 7:30, but ginny advises everyone to get there early to set up your bike.

fundraiser century. play hooky, break in your bike legs and feel good--all at the same time. (well, at least until the next day.) jane invites all bettys to participate in a century ride to benefit the center for missing and exploited children on friday, may 19. details and registration here.

and here's another upcoming event you might like to check out:

Genesee Waterways Center presents: Biking Across the United States: the Challenges of a Legally Blind Person. In 2001, Jarret Lobb, who is legally blind, pedaled 2984 miles from Seattle to Rochester, in just 39 days on a tandem bike. Come hear Jarret explain how this trek was accomplished, the many lessons learned and his adventures along the way.

Location: Genesee Waterways Center, 149 Elmwood Ave, in Genesee Valley Parkjust south of the city ice rink. Date: March 22Time: 7 p.m. Cost: $5/person, children under 12 free. Seating limited, reservations appreciated. Call 328-3960 for info.

as always, if you have any other news to share, please feel free to post it. not yet a contributor on the betty blog? just send an email to me or comment here and i'll send you an email to get you set up and posting in no time!