Friday, July 11, 2008

betty tailgate

leave it to the intrepid marilee to figure out the ultimate bike geekery for her triscuits! go betty go!

so many choices, so little time.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

pink wheels

i think i've found the perfect betty bike.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Linwood Tree Peony Ride part IV

Originally uploaded by Jane Milliman
Here are Kate and Gidget in the annual dwarf village portait. The ride was great! As always! There is no doubt we ate and drank several times more than we burned.

The poor woman who organizes the food for sale at the festival was not too happy to see us. She said we were what they would call a "large group," and that in future years, three weeks' notice before we descended [like locusts] would be appreciated. Seriously, we were only 20 heads, but I guess we are known for being "good eaters." Break out another tray of Baby Ruth bars! NOW!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Betty does RAGBRAI!

let's hear it for ann, who decided last week to participate in RAGBRAI, the 500-mile bike ride across iowa that's going on right this very minute. ann, shown here with rochester photographer and RAGBRAI veteran john myers and his daughter nicole, arrived at the start of the ride on sunday. RAGBRAI ends with a tire dip in the misssissippi river in muscatine, iowa, on sunday. stay tuned for more postcards from ann!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It just never gets old

Originally uploaded by Jane Milliman.
This is the third year in a row I've taken this same shot, and I think Kate & Gidget just get cuter, don't you? The Linwood ride was a great success—much better weather than last year. Thanks to all who came, and to all who brought treats! Lots more pix at my flickr space:

Saturday, May 20, 2006

A great ride for a great cause

Originally uploaded by Jane Milliman.
Here were are on Saturday, at the Ride for Missing Children: Lindy, whom we've recruited for Thursday nights, Anne, Michele, and me. It was kind of chilly, but it didn't rain! I've never ridden an organized benefit before, but according to the more experienced among us, riders aren't usually treated like royalty. We sure were. At every stop, there were hundreds of screaming, cheering kids wanting to slap us five (try doing this, on bike, clipped in, at about .5 MPH—someone's bound to topple). There was also a LOT of food. I'm sure I ate more than I burned...

Anyway, we really want all of the Bettys who can make it to join us next year. We promise you won't be disappointed. It's a very doable pace—about 14 MPH, and it felt like 50 miles, maybe, not 100!

Friday, April 21, 2006